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Still no ground control of AI

Started by cbruce, 23 October, 2016, 17:43:49 PM

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I really like the latest update of ProATC but note that we still don't have control of AI on the ground.

My experience on the ground is so awful/unrealistic (mainly SBGL in Rio de janeiro) with AI blocking the only taxi route to runway or passing through you,  that when I demonstrate the sim to people I have to do a flight without ProATC.  This is a big disappointment as the other features of ProATC add enormous realism.

I did a recent demo to someone:  all was well until one AI blocked the taxiway so we had to veer off onto the grass to bypass him.  Then when we aligned on the runway, another AI passed through us!  All very unrealistic and not impressive.

Unfortunately this is pushing me back to using an online network with its disadvantages of not having coverage

Will the control of AI on the ground be a reality in the next release please?

Charles Bruce


I would advise that you would use a program called "AI Control" with ProATC. The developer has been working on the project for few years now and he is starting to have the AI aircraft quite well under control.
Jarkko Puustinen

Pete Dowson

Quote from: cbruce on 23 October, 2016, 17:43:49 PM
Unfortunately this is pushing me back to using an online network with its disadvantages of not having coverage

I didn't think it had AI either, and doesn't control aI from MyTraffic or UT2.  Yu can have no AI with ProATC/X too! ;-)
Peter Dowson
Biddulph, England


Thanks, I will give AI Control a go, that is great to hear

I realise online has no AI, but I meant with other aircraft

Charles Bruce


Hello Charles,

you can also use "Super Traffic Board" since I use it no problems.
Always moved AI away from my plane and if you want you can set to start the moved AI after 5 minutes again.
Very comfortable.




I tried out Super Traffic Board for a month, its control on approach of conflicts was great, however I don't think it controls AI taxi conflicts with the user aircraft or does it?  I still had a situation of an aircraft that stopped right in front of me on a taxiway so I could not move where I wanted.  I also had a strange "memory access" warning from NOD32 avi on the client pc (where STB resides) and it kept quarantining the files so that STB stopped working.  There was no such warning on the P3D PC where the STB data server was.  I excluded the STB folders from AVI and all was ok, but then I got "win explorer has stopped working" randomly on both machines.  I am unsure if this is STB or not, as I have thoroughly run all other recommendations including AVI and malware scans and a heap more.  So I uninstalled STB to see if this fixes it.

In the meantime, as I may try again, I would like to know what control there is of AI v user aircraft conflict on the ground, if any.

I also just tried AI Controller but it does not seem to like P3D v3, it would not read my scenery.cfg even though I pointed to the correct path

I may just use the fsuipc zapper

Charles Bruce


Hello Charles,

Best to ask such questions here ( ask Simon)
Official Support Forum for Super Traffic Board

QuoteI would like to know what control there is of AI v user aircraft conflict on the ground, if any.
One click "Delete" and conflict is gone !!




Thanks, I will ask there but when you say one click delete, is that within STB or are you referring to fsuipc zapper?
Charles Bruce


Quote from: cbruce on 24 November, 2016, 22:02:20 PM
.... when you say one click delete, is that within STB or are you referring to fsuipc zapper?

It is within STB




IMHO, since Dovetail Games is now the proud developer of the MFS code, now's the best time to approach them with requests to expand the API so 3rd party ATC programs CAN have full control of the ground AI planes. At least to some degree.. or find some way to alter their paths from the norm.



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