
Welcome to the new forum of Pro ATC

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Registration Agreement

NEW REGISTRATIONS ARE REQUIRED for users of the previous forum !!!

WARNING - ALL entries on the registration form are required for ALL users and should be completed with care!

Specific ProATC forum rules

  • Your Access to this Forum:
    Your access to this forum is not a right. You are allowed access because you have purchased or are interested in ProATCX and have agreed to these Terms of Service and commit to abide by them. If you do not abide by them, your access will be removed. However, PointSoftware reserves the right to remove or ban a user at any time, based solely on our judgement and what we deem to be in the best interests of PointSoftware, our community, and its partners and advertisers.
  • Freedom Of Speech:
    ProATCX is not a democracy, and there is no such thing as "Freedom of Speech" in this forum. If you believe that you are entitled to that freedom without restriction and that you should be able to do and say as you please, then reconsider... Please do not come here
  • Threats and Intimidation of Staff and Members:
    ProATCX forum is operated by volunteers. Any harassment, threats, or other objectionable behaviour toward them or fellow community members will result in the harshest of consequences. This is a "One Strike and You are Out" offense. There are no excuses for abuse of our volunteers and members and none will be tolerated.
  • Behavior and Your Actions:
  • Sign your posts:
    Your are required to sign your posts with your real FULL NAME ( not negotiable ). Why? you require help it's only courteous that we know who were talking too, additionally it will allow user verification.
    The easiest option to ensure compliance is to set your signature in profile options.
  • Forum Moderation:
    The forum is FULLY MODERATED, your post require approval before they can be seen by others.
  • Inactivity:
    Forum members that are not verified as product users and that have not logged in to the forum for greater than twelve months will have their accounts deleted.

General rules: