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Cockpit compatibility for the PMDG 737-800 for MSFS

Started by greycap, 05 January, 2023, 16:06:37 PM

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I've just started using the PMDG 737-800 although it was released in late August 2022.

I notice that ProATC-SR has the ability to select separate cockpit compatibility settings for the PMDG 737-600 and 737-700, which were released before the 737-800, together with the Fenix A320.  It does not give an option to select the 737-800.

I have selected the 737-700 - after all, the cockpit is presumably identical or almost - so but do you have plans to add an option for the 737-800 to make this clear to everyone?

You are probably also aware that PMDG are about to release the 737-900.