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Extra Voice Sets for Download by MaVe

Started by MaVe64, 03 April, 2016, 14:51:24 PM

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I'd love to do a voice set for maves.I am from the us, and I know he said we have enough, but I'd still like to try anyway to see if I can. I know we need more voices as the  folder was last updaed September 2017. I'ma slow reader so we'll see if and when I can do this lol!
Sarah alawami


There are very few voices in Spanish, I mean Latin American sounds. It would be great if they could reinforce this topic because Mave's voices and sound are excellent.

Juan G. Ducaud

Yesterday I finish recording the entire list, and uploaded into the site. As I have been struggling to understand some of the voices, specially some ladies. I made sure that my recording was very clear, to avoid that issue.
I used a professional mic. Lets see what happens, I do not know what is the process after you upload the file.
In any event, I speak perfect English with a Spanish accent.
Hope we can see it soon.



Estimado Juan:

Le ofrezco disculpas por no haberle contestado en el momento justo y apropiado, pero sinceramente hablando no había visto su mensaje. He estado buscando su grabación en MAVE, pero no he encontrado nada.

A sus ordenes y un cordial saludo


Downunda John,

A Translation for you:

"Dear John:

I apologize for not answering at the right and proper time, but honestly speaking I had not seen your message. I've been looking for your MAVE recording, but I haven't found anything.

At your service and cordial greetings:"

Rich Quinn


Juan G. Ducaud

Hello, Now is my turn for the apologies for late replying. I dis spent a considerable amount of time recording the complete voice set and checking that they were recorded correctly, only to find out that Mave which was doing this is no longer doing it. Such a pity. And I also told tech support here, that they should correct the ProATCX webpage as they have a page advertising the possibility of creating your own voice set,. when in reality is no longer happening


Juan Ducaud



I imported these voice sets into Pro-ATC/X by copying the folder structure directly into the C:\Pro-ATC-X directory. I can't change the pilot voices, though. What did I do wrong when importing the folders? Thanks!

Tyler Rodick
Tyler Rodick


Hello Tyler,
Hard to say but see if your files are present like in the attached picture:
Rich Quinn



Anyone still interested in this and fancy getting the voices going again. I'm happy to pick up well try pick up the fantastic work mave has done so far.

Let me know, Paul
Paul Warren


  I'm interested but there is a problem because these extra voice sets aren't supported by the developer!  This I think is why Marcel (MaVe64) stopped his work!   He spent an awful lot of time developing this and no support.   Upgrades to the program didn't even support the existing voice sets he produced!

But knowing that, if your still willing to spend an enormous amount of time on this I'll be glad to assist any way I can.

I'd first like that all the existing voice sets could be used with the existing program and then move on to new voices.

Rich Quinn



Paul Warren


Rich Quinn



Thanks polymerman I got the files. Has anyone got a recorded set that wasnt put in by Mave that i can try with to save me recording a full one?

Thanks, Paul
Paul Warren


Glad you received the files intact!
That wetransfer thing is great the files will automatically be deleted April 2
I've got my original recordings, USA Richard.

I'll send them along to you!

But others have made new ones but couldn't get MaVe to process them! Hope they step up here.

You may wish to backtrack this link and send DM's to those who never got a response from MaVe.
Rich Quinn



hello how can i download this voice sets?