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Extra Voicesets MaVe

Started by Lion, 25 May, 2021, 18:06:32 PM

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Goodday all,
I have seen I can download additional voicesets created by MaVe.
But can someone explain me how and where do I have to install these... (I have already downloaded the zip-file)

Many thanks and regards,
Gerrit de Leeuw
Gerrit de Leeuw


Hello Gerritt,
   It has been awhile since I have done this but we just used to unzip the file directly into the main ProAtc/X folder.

Let us know if it worked for you.

Rich Quinn



Hi Rich,

Done as you suggest but only a new map is created in the directory of ProATC inside this map are new ZIP-files. (see enclosed attachement)
I do not know what to do now.....
Do I have to unzip all these files again and wherto...

Thanks for clarifying

Gerrit de Leeuw


Hi Gerrit,

You choose each individual voice set and unzip. An example would be from Mavre, ""  You extract the files (unzip the file) dirtectly to your main ProAtc/x directory example :

You should get the file in the Pro-ATC-X Folder under sound/pilots!  It might be named US-Richard.  In this version you might have to rename the folder to just Richard.

Try it again and let us know.
Rich Quinn




Everything is working now, as per above instructions no hassle, all voices installed.
In the end after unzipping the zipfiles you have to go to: options>voices>and press -check all voices.
Now you can try each voice and the one you don't like you can untick....

Thats it,

Thanks for the support

Gerrit de Leeuw


Great!  Glad you got the voices!
Thank you for informing us.
Happy flights!
Rich Quinn



Unfortunately most of MaVes great work is no longer compatible with the new PATC version 1928.
Does anyone here know if he is working on updates?
Morten Seedorff


  They are somewhat compatible.  Most don't do checklists.  If you don't use checklist you can use all of them.  You'll have to load them as explained below.
Marcel has not responded since May 2018 so I wouldn't think so. Hope that helps.

Rich Quinn



Hi Richie

Guess you mean "as explained ABOVE"... ;D
Anyway, thanks indeed for your advice and yes I don't use checklists with PATC..
However a bit confusion though, cause even though you rename the data file folders to ex. plain "Paul" the voices still appear as ex. "UK-Paul" in the PATC dialog box. At least you can hear the example of that in the dialog box, but when saving check mark for ex. "UK-Paul" (folder name "Paul") the check mark for Paul will disappear!  :-\       
Morten Seedorff


On my PC the older posts are below????  I noticed others in the EU say above too but I thought only Australians were upside down. ;D
IDK why its not retaining the check mark, my installation does.  Did you press "check all voices again" and save? See picture.
-Rich not ie only my immediate family calls me that at 76 years old.  :(
Rich Quinn



Where can these extra voicesets be downloaded from?
Rob Gordon
Atlanta GA


Hello Rob,

The info is under the second bold item in this area, this:,1086.0.html
I did the leg work for you and found the link:[/url]

Don't know if they can still be downloaded so let us know if you can get em!

Rich Quinn



no the website says you have to request access is there anywhere elses they can be downloaded from ?


I just tried his website and was able to download voices!  Give it another try.
If it doesn't work I can make a video of what I did if you wish.
Rich Quinn
