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General Discussion / Re: atc directions
Last post by moskito-x - 28 December, 2023, 22:01:21 PM

no support for old ProAtc/X problem!!

So never use >> 

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Onyl readable with the old Proatc/X version!

General Discussion / atc directions
Last post by geasel - 06 December, 2023, 18:38:26 PM
When flying with instrument flight plan the atc keeps giving me information to tun to headings that would send me off course almost the opposite direction. have no idea why or how to fix. has anyone else experienced this?         Kim Geselbracht
General Discussion / Error Loadng Airline
Last post by wbentel - 11 August, 2023, 16:55:00 PM
All I can get when I try to load flight. Tells me it is open in another instance. No it is not. Fresh startup from computer turn on and It still tells me it is running somewhere else????You cannot view this attachment.
General Discussion / error 800045052 + ATC
Last post by tellana77 - 09 August, 2023, 23:22:45 PM
Hi  i have the error " error on Generateandloadgrammar:OLE error 800045052"  how can i fix it ?

plus i can't eat the ATC , there is nothing, and all is activated

thanks for help :(
General Discussion / ProAtcSR not finding P3D4.5 Fo...
Last post by Quentin Moore - 09 August, 2023, 07:24:20 AM
I am using P3Dv4.5, which is installed in its own solid state drive (G:).

I have installed ProAtcSR in the same drive but it is unable to find the P3D4.5 folder so I am experiencing difficulty in completing the setup.

Other users of ProATC talk about reading the manual, but I can't find it anywhere. All I have is the Quick Start Guide, which I have followed in doing the installation.

Could someone please help by advising how to get ProAtcSR to find the P3D4.5 folder? I would also appreciate help in finding the manual.
General Discussion / Re: Not updating to AIRAC 2307
Last post by krielkip - 16 July, 2023, 12:19:50 PM
I resolved this issue myself by replacing the cycle.json and cycle_info.txt from an aircraft file. These files had the info of cycle 2305! I don't know how this could happen, never did before.
General Discussion / Airac update doesn't work
Last post by Xander65 - 14 July, 2023, 23:55:46 PM

I have updated the product to version

usually when I update the airac bases inside Navigraph, when I open Pro ATC I am automatically asked if I want to import them

now despite having updated them to the latest version (2307 rev.1), when I open the application nothing happens and it asks me if I want to import the airac 2101 rev. 1 which is much older


Solved by manually downloading the airac from the Navigraph site and installing it in the DataImport folder of PRO-ATC/SR

You can close

Thank you
General Discussion / Not updating to AIRAC 2307
Last post by krielkip - 14 July, 2023, 17:53:43 PM
I use Pro-Atc and since today it does not update to the latest AIRAC 2307. If I try to update manually it refers to AIRAC 2102? Normally it automatically updates when Pro-Atc is started.
General Discussion / Re: makernwys error
Last post by Bernie - 09 February, 2023, 14:59:31 PM
Hi Tim,

Unfortunately you are just one of many that are finding some ( there are many ) of the bugs in this software.
Nothing you can do re. SW not saving settings.
Support has been non-exitant from the dev. even though a big update/bug fix was promised last August.

The option for accessing weather from active sky has been removed which can cause all sorts of problems. For one, if you use historic weather Pro ATC knows nothing about it. A bad move IMHO to have removed that option!

General Discussion / Re: makernwys error
Last post by couger - 09 February, 2023, 07:26:29 AM
Quote from: couger on 09 February, 2023, 05:13:33 AMI have fixed the error.  for anyone that has his problem you need to run navigraph to update the airac for SR  then makernwys will work.  [or the read scernery button]

So problem is back.  i think it was set to mfs 2020 when i ran it last time.  Also can someone tell me how i set it to read the active sky weather.  there is no options to set a path for AS. 

Also a note that every time i go into options it has gone back to MSFS2020 and I have to select P3D again.  this is not good as I shouldnt have to check this every time I want to check settings or something and can cause alot of problems without realizing it, making it hard to troubleshoot any issues.  this should be changed in future updates to always stay on what was selected.
