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General Discussion / Re: FSX Steam and PROATCX 1.9....
Last post by moskito-x - 07 January, 2024, 20:58:08 PM
Hello Peter,

with this software you can only use Proatc/SR software.

FSX Steam and PROATCX are not compatible with this software!!

General Discussion / Re: Frequencies that are impos...
Last post by moskito-x - 07 January, 2024, 20:32:53 PM
General Category - Non Support Area General Discussion Frequencies that are impossible to use

Meaning !! Please do not use it !!
        very wrong !! this a folder for the old Proatc/X

General Category - Non Support Area
General Discussion !
Feel free to talk about anything and everything related to ProATC in this board.

This is not comming only from the main folder!!!

General Pro ATC/SR > PRO-ATC/SR
  Forum of Pro-ATC/SR > General Pro ATC/SR / PRO-ATC/SR

all other folders coming from old ProAtc/X
will only mix up the old version.

Wrong but visible and possible.

General Category - Non Support Area General Discussion !
Feel free to talk about anything and everything related to ProATC in this board.

Off Duty ATC
Talk about anything Flight Simulater

All these come from the old proatc/x directories!

These really confuse Proatc/SR with Proatc/X.
So a new version mixed with an old version (many, many more options are available there!!)
But they cannot be managed by Protac/SR because Proatc/SR has much, much fewer options.

fewer planes, fewer options etc.

It is possible to run an old version based on Proatc/X with Proatc/SR. But the results are wrong.
values because /X has more possibilities.
hundreds of old aircraft that /SR doesn't even have or know about!

So don't go down to > Forum of Pro-ATC/SR ► General Category - Non Support Area ► General Discussion.

It is clear to me that intercepting the old version is a completely wrong approach in the new /SR version.
Out of sheer laziness, the old proatcx directories were simply left undeleted in the new version!!

Many now think these can also be used! but no, under no circumstances use it.

Instead of using a new heading and new software, the old one was used!!

The user buys and knows nothing about it.
So it's no wonder that he sees other options and wants to try them out.

ProAtc/SR is a trial version.
was developed quickly to get money quickly.
The version is still a BETA version.

Removing the old software below the new version at the speed that Mourad is currently using (1 year now)
to revise these insignificant little things, is zero!

No new software developed for a year.
No contact with Alpha117 for a year
and so on

As the last person in this chaos, I can only repeat again and again.
Only use the Pro-ATC/SR ► General Pro ATC/SR ► PRO-ATC/SR directory.
and above or below.

General Discussion / Re: FSX Steam and PROATCX 1.9....
Last post by Kalorien - 07 January, 2024, 14:16:37 PM
Oh, that´s a pity. But it should work with the steam version, am I right?
General Discussion / Re: Frequencies that are impos...
Last post by ggerolamo - 05 January, 2024, 21:00:57 PM
Quote from: moskito-x on 04 January, 2024, 17:24:28 PMHello,

no help for old ProAtcX !

General Category - Non Support Area General Discussion Frequencies that are impossible to use

Sorry, was für ein selten dummer Spruch !!  :(
Nur weil du nicht helfen willst (kannst), heißt das nicht, dass nicht wer anderer eine Antwort hat !
Dieses Forum wird langsam zur Farce ...
General Discussion / Re: PTT/SR Binding
Last post by moskito-x - 04 January, 2024, 17:28:05 PM

sorry but,no support for ...

    Forum of Pro-ATC/SR
    ► General Category - Non Support Area
    ► General Discussion
    ► PTT/SR Binding

General Discussion / Re: Frequencies that are impos...
Last post by moskito-x - 04 January, 2024, 17:24:28 PM

no help for old ProAtcX !

General Category - Non Support Area General Discussion Frequencies that are impossible to use
General Discussion / Re: FSX Steam and PROATCX 1.9....
Last post by moskito-x - 04 January, 2024, 17:22:37 PM
Hello Peter,

sorry but no help for old PROATC/X

General Discussion / FSX Steam and PROATCX
Last post by Kalorien - 02 January, 2024, 23:24:00 PM
I have been using PROATCX for a long time on my old FSX Gold Edition. So far it did never anything strange besides the issues which are known.

Now I made a dual installation FSX Gold and FSX Steam.

Problem with the Steam Edition:
When I'm asking for clearance, voices are coming up correctly, but as soon as the controller voice starts the message, the sim freezes. You can hear the voices between the pilot and the controller to the end but the sim is blocked. Nothing works, waiting doesn´t help. You cannot click anything with the mouse. Hotkeys neither. Solution for now: End the flight in PROATCX and the sim comes back to life.

I already tried a lot, so explaining that would take some time. So my simple question up front is, does or did anybody have a similar problem like me? Simconnect does work, Weather comes from AS16/ASCA flawlessly. I suspect Steam...

Kind regards
General Discussion / Frequencies that are impossibl...
Last post by Rikki - 31 December, 2023, 00:02:16 AM
I am facing a trouble using pro atc/sr (latest version) with A320 FBW and latest AIRAC from Navigraph. In most flights at some moment the ATC is asking me to switch to a frequency that is not supported by A320. For example, 140.575 MHz in LFPG approach. I can't switch to this frequency, and ATC stops getting any requests from me (not by voice nor by menu). How to avoid this issue?
General Discussion / PTT/SR Binding
Last post by MFP - 30 December, 2023, 22:06:29 PM
Hey.. Maybe I'm blind, I've been looking for almost 2 hours. Searched the forums etc..

"The icon SR is colored green if the SR engine is listening and
red if not. You may click the icon to enable/disable listening.
Enabling/disabling the listening status can also be done via a
keyboard key or controller button defined under options"

Where is this option? I've pressed <MENU> <OPTIONS> in the PRO ATC window, but there's nothing there! :/