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General Discussion / Proatcx instructs me to descen...
Last post by Tapsmuchiz - 07 August, 2024, 21:30:43 PM
Please help. I'm using the PMDG 777 in MSFS and during a long haul flight, proatcx instructs me to descend to FL 25000 mid flight even though I am at the cruising altitude and way before top of descent. What could be the issue?
General Discussion / Re: Update
Last post by Bernie - 02 August, 2024, 16:53:34 PM
Far from just an "unpleasant impression", it is indeed FACT !!

Dev. took our money and left us all "High & Dry" with what is really an unfinished piece of S/W.

As far as I'm concerned this program was actually legally mis-sold.
General Discussion / PROATC/SR dead ?
Last post by mustard - 21 July, 2024, 21:37:57 PM
i've noticed that for the past 2 years, there have been no updates, no news and no support here from the devs. Do you know if the software has been abandoned ? do you have news about the team ?
General Discussion / Re: Update
Last post by mustard - 21 July, 2024, 21:33:32 PM
I have the unpleasant impression that PRO ATC has been abandoned by the devs. No news, no update from them.
General Discussion / Re: PMDG 777 for MFS
Last post by Guillaume - 03 July, 2024, 12:33:12 PM
BTW, for those interested: I am able to use ProATC with the new 777 from PMDG in MSFS 2020. In the settings, flight plan folders, Third party aircraft section, I changed the path for PMDG 737 to the 777 package. When "Flying now", it suggests the 737 but actually works on the 777. I didn't see problems for now.
That is not perfect but at least I get to use ProATC, which I like for ATC directions really fitting the flight plan and co-pilot functions.
General Discussion / PMDG 777 for MFS
Last post by Guillaume - 24 June, 2024, 16:59:27 PM
I love using ProATC with PMDG products, it integrates so well. So like many many people I have been waiting for the 777 from PMDG on MFS, which will be available this week (June 2024).
Are there any plans for ProATC to integrate with this new airframe? that would be awesome.

General Discussion / Re: Not saving Waypoiints and ...
Last post by danmclain71 - 30 May, 2024, 00:38:41 AM
You know it's only been 9 days since I posted  seeking help and
if you are no longer offering support I would like to have a full, becuause
I can't use this the way it is.
Dan McLain
General Discussion / Re: error mssage csv reposting
Last post by jwyman - 22 May, 2024, 14:03:40 PM
I don't know if they are still officially supporting your version since they release Pro ATC-SR....
General Discussion / Not saving Waypoiints and free...
Last post by danmclain71 - 20 May, 2024, 21:51:55 PM
Hi, when ever I create a Flightplan from  Simbrief and I save it and then re open it the waypoints are
gone. Also freezes during Clearence.
Dan McLain
General Discussion / Re: error mssage csv reposting
Last post by eytan ornstein - 17 May, 2024, 12:01:06 PM
It's been a month since I posted, and haven't got a reply!
And I've noticed other posts have been ignored.
Please wake up and respect your customers.
Eytan ornstein